Dry Skin
Dry skin is a very common skin condition. It can make your skin feel irritated and itchy. Dry skin happens when skin loses too much moisture. With no treatment, dry skin may become flaky or scaly.
Regular use of an emollient will relieve the symptoms of dry skin and help provide a protective barrier.

Symptoms of dry skin
Dry skin is often rough and scaly, feels uncomfortable and tends to be itchy. Many people have naturally dry skin, and this can be made worse by cold weather, central heating and air conditioning. Dry skin happens when skin loses too much moisture. Skin thins with age and older adults often suffer from dry skin. Young children may also suffer from dry skin. Other causes of dry skin may be swimming, frequent hand-washing, eczema and psoriasis.
Epaderm for dry skin
Formulated with clinically proven ingredients, the Epaderm range is suitable for dry skin conditions as it moisturises and softens the skin.
Epaderm Cream is a 2-in-1 emollient that can be used as a skin moisturiser and cleanser. It relieves the symptoms of dry skin and improves skin hydration in 2 weeks.
Developed by dermatologists, 3-in-1 Epaderm Ointment can be used directly on the skin, in the bath or as a skin cleanser.